Homework Assignment Student Name: Print out the assignment sheet, check the exercises that you worked on, write down the time that you worked on the exercises. Return the filled out assignment sheet during the next lecture. Write down any questions that come to your mind. Try to answer them yourself, ask colleagues,... Post your questions and answers on the course's forum. Bring the interesting questions with you at the next course day and start a discussion about them. 1.a CVS (time taken: ) Look at the Home of CVS (https://www.cvshome.org/) Download the binaries (e.g. for Win32: https://ccvs.cvshome.org/files/documents/19/231/cvs-1-11-17.zip via https://ccvs.cvshome.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=83&expandFolder=83&folderID=80) Expand it on your hard disk (e.g. resulting into c:\cvs) Add c:\cvs to your PATH Verify the installation by typing "cvs -v" in a command prompt Create a repository, e.g. by executing "cvs -d C:\sandbox init" (see CVS.pdf, page 3, pp. 28-42 of "Pragmatic Version Control") You may want to set the CVSROOT environment variable to point to C:\sandbox Play around with CVS (see CVS.pdf, pp. 28-42 of "Pragmatic Version Control") Import the contents of the triangle directory into the CVS via (similar to CVS.pdf, page 5) cd c:\testing\triangle cvs import -m "" triangle triangle initial 1.b CVSNT (time taken: ) Setup CVSNT (http://www.cvsnt.com/cvspro/) Add the repository With the CVSNT control panel, on the "Repositories" tab, click "Add" and select c:\sandbox Copy the file "password" from c:\testing to c:\sandbox\CVSROOT Disable user password checking With the CVSNT control panel, on the "Advanced" tab, deselect "Impersonation enabled" 2. CruiseControl (time taken: ) Setup CruiseControl Expand it (e.g. resulting into C:\cruisecontrol-2.1.6) Build it (change to C:\cruisecontrol-2.1.6\main and execute build.bat) Create a builds directory (e.g. c:\builds) mkdir c:\builds Check out the project (see CruiseControl.pdf, page 4, pp. 46-68 of "Pragmatic Project Automation") cd c:\builds cvs co triangle Create a log directory (e.g. c:\builds\cc-logs see CruiseControl.pdf, page 4, pp. 46-68 of "Pragmatic Project Automation") mkdir c:\builds\cc-logs Copy the build.properties file from c:\testing into your home directory (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator) Let Maven generate a CruiseControl XML file maven cruisecontrol Start CruiseControl maven cruisecontrol:run Configure CruiseControl by changing the settings in your build.properties 3. Parallel Programs (time taken: ) Setup ConTest Walk through the Example